Buona serata a tutti, vi lascio questi favolosi biscottini che adoro!!!! A presto :-)
Dosi per circa 40 baci di dama (grandi come una noce.. la prossima volta li farò più piccoli)
100 gr. nocciole tostate
50 gr. mandorle
150 gr. farina
150 gr.burro
100 gr. zucchero
1 pizzico di sale
100/150 gr. cioccolato fondente
Tritare nocciole e mandorle e lo zucchero. In una ciotola unire a questo composto la farina, il pizzico di sale e il burro lasciato ammorbidire a temperatura ambiente.
Mescolare rapidamente con le mani e lasciare raffreddare il tutto in frigorifero per circa 30 minuti.
Formare delle palline (sempre rapidamente per non scaldare troppo il composto con le mani) e sistemarle in una teglia coperta con carta da forno. Cuocere a 150° per circa 25-30 minuti e far raffreddare.
Sciogliere il cioccolato a bagnomaria e unire i biscotti per creare i tipici baci di dama.
*** English version ***
Tonight for you a recipe that is even easier and faster than usual ... I'm very in hurry but I'm so sorry to neglect my little dear blog:-D
Have a nice evening, I leave you with these fabulous cookies I adore!! See you soon :-)
Doses for about 40 baci di dama (size of a walnut .. next time I will make them smaller)
100 gr. toasted hazelnuts
50 gr. almonds
150 gr. flour
150 gr.butter
100 gr. sugar
1 pinch of salt
100/150 gr. dark chocolate
Chop hazelnuts and almonds and sugar. In a bowl combine this mixture to the flour, salt and butter let soften at room temperature.
Mix quickly with your hands and let cool in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
Shape into balls quickly (being carefully, don't heat the mixture with your hands) and place them in a pan covered with parchment paper. Bake at 150° for about 25-30 minutes and let cool.
Melt chocolate and add the cookies to create the typical baci di dama
Have a nice evening, I leave you with these fabulous cookies I adore!! See you soon :-)
Doses for about 40 baci di dama (size of a walnut .. next time I will make them smaller)
100 gr. toasted hazelnuts
50 gr. almonds
150 gr. flour
150 gr.butter
100 gr. sugar
1 pinch of salt
100/150 gr. dark chocolate
Chop hazelnuts and almonds and sugar. In a bowl combine this mixture to the flour, salt and butter let soften at room temperature.
Mix quickly with your hands and let cool in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
Shape into balls quickly (being carefully, don't heat the mixture with your hands) and place them in a pan covered with parchment paper. Bake at 150° for about 25-30 minutes and let cool.
Melt chocolate and add the cookies to create the typical baci di dama