Devo dire che per essere così light sono davvero buone!!!!!!
(ne avevo fatte tante così ne ho congelata qualcuna.... si conservano benissimo!!!!!!)
1/2 cavolfiore
1 zucchina
1 porro tritato
parmigiano a scaglie
pangrattato, olio evo e salsa di soia qb
formaggio a scelta (io ho usato cubetti di emmental)
Lessare o cuocere al vapore il cavolfiore e la zucchina a pezzetti e schiacciare con una forchetta.
Tritare il porro e far saltare per qualche minuto in un po'd'olio evo, unire le verdure schiacciate e amalgamare con un po' di salsa di soia.
In una terrina unire le verdure al formaggio a scaglie e a cubetti e con l'impasto ottenuto ottenere delle polpette. Passarle nel pangrattato e friggerle in olio d'oliva... io le ho cotte al forno quindi sono poco dorate... ma ottime e leggere!!!!
Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest di Laura
*** English version ***
I love meatballs ... but the summer is approaching so you have to start keeping "more away" fried foods & c ..... I'm not able to stay on a diet, but the least I can do is try cooking (at least occasionally) in a lighter way ... a few nights ago I had a big idea...Vegetable balls in the oven!!
I must say that to be so light they are really good!!
(I had made so many.... I have frozen some of those and they kept very well!!)
1/2 cauliflower
1 zucchini
1 leek, chopped
shaved Parmesan
breadcrumbs, extra virgin olive oil and soy sauce to taste
cheese of your choice (I used cubes of Emmental)
Boiled or steamed cauliflower and zucchini into pieces and crush them with a fork.
Chop the leek and sauté it for a few minutes in little of oil, combine mashed vegetables and mix with a little of soy sauce.
In a bowl, combine the vegetables with cheese flakes and cubes, mix everything and get some balls. Dip them in bread crumbs and fry in olive oil ... I have baked those so they aren't very golden ... but very good and light!
I must say that to be so light they are really good!!
(I had made so many.... I have frozen some of those and they kept very well!!)
1/2 cauliflower
1 zucchini
1 leek, chopped
shaved Parmesan
breadcrumbs, extra virgin olive oil and soy sauce to taste
cheese of your choice (I used cubes of Emmental)
Boiled or steamed cauliflower and zucchini into pieces and crush them with a fork.
Chop the leek and sauté it for a few minutes in little of oil, combine mashed vegetables and mix with a little of soy sauce.
In a bowl, combine the vegetables with cheese flakes and cubes, mix everything and get some balls. Dip them in bread crumbs and fry in olive oil ... I have baked those so they aren't very golden ... but very good and light!
a chi lo dici anche io faccio fatica a stare a dieta:-) queste verdurine pero' sono deliziose! baci
RispondiEliminaGrazie della visita e grazie del supporto :-D !! Che faticaccia la dieta!!! Buona giornata
EliminaMa che buone!!!
RispondiEliminaGrazie cara!! In effetti per essere piuttosto light sono proprio buone!!! Buona giornata :-D
EliminaRicettina salutare e pure golosa da zero sensi di colpa,me la segno subito! Un abbraccio :)
RispondiEliminaGrazieee!! Ogni tanto faccio finta di rispettare una dieta ;-)!! Buona serata, a presto!